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David and Latasha Reece Baby Shower

Theme: "I love you to the Moon and back"

Help them welcome their new bundle of joy Avia Reece. 

Be ready for fun, games, and a festive party event.

Continue reading for the shower program, and details about party games.

Please click here to R.S.V.P. by October 1, 2020

For the Baby Registry, click Avia Reece

Order of Shower Events

3:00 pm Welcome by Latasha and David

3:30 pm Games (please refer to the games listed in the box below)

5:00 pm Opening of the gifts (participants may take pictures using screen shot or cell phones of the couple opening the gifts)

5:30 pm Advice column questions (questions will be posted on this page)

6:00 pm Farewell from the Parents


How Many?

  • Be the one to correctly guess the number of M&M's that are inside the baby bottle

Who's the Baby?

  • Please email us at ( your baby picture. Please make sure that your photos are between the ages of newborn to 5 years old. The person with the most correct guesses will win a prize.

  • We will share your pictures at the baby shower during the game. (Evry Beginning Party Planning does not reserve the right to use your photos without your permission for any purposes other than the baby shower game.)

Forbidden Word

  • Say the word, and someone listening will collect a point. The person with the most points collected will win a prize.

Diaper Raffle

  • Each set of diapers purchased from the baby registry automatically enters your name into our party raffle. For example, if you purchase two packages of diapers you will be entered into the raffle two times. 

Nursery Rhymes

  • We select a nursery rhyme and you recite it correctly. The person who recites the most rhymes correctly wins the game. 

Guess the Date & Time

  • Be the one to correctly guess Avia's birthday. Please place your response in the message box on the Contact Us/R.S.V.P. page 

What's In the Baby Bag

  • Baby bags are carried by mother's and father's everywhere. Be the one to guess what's in Avia's bag. The person with the most correct guesses wins. 

Advice Column

Listed below are some questions that Latasha and David have about parenting? 

Select one question and provide a response to the expecting parents using the message box on the Contact Us/R.S.V.P. page 


1.What do I realistically need in my hospital bag?

2.Best advice for nighttime feedings?

3.How long should Avia sleep in our room before it’s safe to let her sleep in her crib (we were thinking at least 3-6 months)

4.What’s the best way(s) to get sleep in my third trimester?

5.I want to labor as long as I can at home. When should we head to the hospital?


1.How can I best support Tasha in labor?

2.When is the best time to start establishing a sleep schedule for Avia?

3.What are the best ways to prepare for the baby? We want to do freezer meals but how else can we make life easier when she gets here?

4.How can I help with feeding the baby at night? Tasha doesn’t want to bottle feed too early so my help is limited but anything I can do to make things easier?

5.Any suggestions for sensitive skin? Tasha has been dealing with it lately and we want to be prepared if Avia struggles with it. 

*Note: Please put the name of the game next to your answer when using the message box on the Contact Us/R.S.V.P. page


Raffle Gifts provided by Evry Bear

About Evry Bear Custom made Teddy Bears

Evry Bear is a custom made Teddy Bear store that specializes in Teddy bear gifts and designs. They carry  Products for all ages and occasions. 

Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, gift baskets, Holidays, special occasions, Graduations, and more.

The gifts that Evry Bear create are one of a kind. As the holiday's approach check out the Evry Bear website for a unique, quality gift that is sure to bring a smile to your friends and loved ones face. To view other items please visit the Evry Bear website at

How to make sure that you receive your Gift?

Please make sure to use a valid email address so that we can contact winners in order to mail out prizes.

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